Drew Crampsie <drew.crampsie@gmail.com> wrote:
| <webmas...@flymagnetic.com> wrote:
| > If so it seems care needs to be taken when defining parameter values
| > to make sure their names don't conflict with any special variables
| > that have been set up.
| Yes.. that's why we name special variables with *earmuffs*, and why
| you should never (well, rarely) use *earmuffs* for function
| parameters!
The one place where I have sometimes found this behavior useful
is for functions with a stream parameter, where the function would
really like for all its default output *and* the output of other
functions it calls to go to the stream parameter. One can trivially
accomplish this by using the symbol *STANDARD-OUTPUT* for the
stream's formal parameter, e.g.:
> (defun bar ()
(format t "Hello, world!~%"))
> (bar)
Hello, world!
> (defun foo (*standard-output*)
(format t "Guess where this text goes?~%")
(format t "And where did BAR's text go?~%"))
> (with-output-to-string (s)
(foo s))
"Guess where this text goes?
Hello, world!
And where did BAR's text go?
Or an even simpler approach:
> (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
"Hello, world!
In practice, a somewhat safer style might be to use a keyword
parameter with the defaults set up so that *STANDARD-OUTPUT* is
not disturbed if the stream parameter is not provided, e.g.:
> (defun foo (&key ((:stream *standard-output*) *standard-output*))
(format t "Guess where this text goes?~%")
(format t "And where did BAR's text go?~%"))
> (foo)
Guess where this text goes?
Hello, world!
And where did BAR's text go?
> (with-output-to-string (s)
(foo :stream s))
"Guess where this text goes?
Hello, world!
And where did BAR's text go?
Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607