Subject: Re: Paul Graham's Arc is released today... what is the long term impact?
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 02:30:59 -0600
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>
[Hope I've untangled/attributed the quotes correctly...]

John Thingstad <> wrote:
| > "John Thingstad" <> writes:
| >> But following Rob Warnock's £ readmacro syntax idea.
| Typo: should be $ readmacro.

Actually, should be #$ readmacro. It's too minor to eat all of $.

Kent M Pitman  <>:
| > (mapcar λ(format "~A:~A" λ1 λ2) list)
| Here, by contrast, I see lambdas.

I don't, I just see weird two- or three- characters sequences.
Must be some UTF-8 or ISO-8859 thingies I can't see.

But here's a really twisted one for those with "dumb" terminals:
Instead of using FN to abbreviate LAMBDA, we can use /. which
kinda looks like a lambda is you squint:  ;-}

    > (defmacro /. (args &body body) `(lambda ,args ,@body))

    > (mapcar (/. (x) (* 3 x)) (iota 5))

    (0 3 6 9 12)

Kent M Pitman <> asked:
| But I'm curious: how does the nesting of this macro work?  What does
|  (lambda (x)
|    (lambda (y z)
|      (f x y z)))
| look like in this shorthand format?

With /. it's easy:

    (/. (x)
      (/. (y z)
	(f x y z)))

but of course with #$ you can't do it without introducing
a renaming variable [just like with nested shell functions]:

    #$(let ((x $1))
      #$(f x $1 $2))

But how often do you need to type that at the REPL? ...which is
where #$ was intended to be used, *NOT EVER* in coding source files!


Rob Warnock			<>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607