verec <> wrote:
| "John Thingstad" <> said:
| > Well the golden rule for Internet communication is to be
| > generous in what you accept and strict in what you produce.
| I'm not sure how "golden" is that rule...
As John says, it is a *very* well known Internet design principle,
called the "Robustness Principle" (or less often, "Postel's Law"):
It was elucidated by Internet RFC Editor Jon Postel *at least*
as far back as January 1980 in RFC 760 "Internet Protocol" (IP):
3.2. Discussion
The implementation of a protocol must be robust. Each implementation
must expect to interoperate with others created by different
individuals. While the goal of this specification is to be
explicit about the protocol there is the possibility of differing
interpretations. In general, an implementation should be conservative
in its sending behavior, and liberal in its receiving behavior.
That is, it should be careful to send well-formed datagrams, but
should accept any datagram that it can interpret (e.g., not object
to technical errors where the meaning is still clear).
By 1981, in RFC 793 "Transmission Control Protocol" (TCP), it had become
more stylized and succinct:
2.10. Robustness Principle
TCP implementations will follow a general principle of robustness:
be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from
This is actually *more* generous than the Golden Rule [think it through],
and more robust than the more commonly quoted version which refers only
to protocols, as seen, say, in 1989's RFC 1122 "Requirements for Internet
Hosts -- Communication Layers" (Bob Braden, ed.):
1.2.2 Robustness Principle
At every layer of the protocols, there is a general rule whose
application can lead to enormous benefits in robustness and
interoperability [IP:1]:
"Be liberal in what you accept,
and conservative in what you send."
This latter (or with the clauses swapped) is the version most people
would recognize.
| ...but it surely sounds like a call for general non-compliance,
| "anything goes", "the market will sort it out" amd other utter
| non sense we've been all spoon fed all those years.
| How do you think eveloution works? Rejection of the non-fitting.
| "Do not accept what doesn't follow the rules" would make a tad
| lot more sense, IMHO :-)
Well, the Internet Robustness Principle served the industry *very* well
for quite a number of years, but you do have a point, one which is
shared by others such as Marshall Rose [well known for his work in
getting several ISO applications protocols to run on top of IP/TCP].
As he noted in 2001 in RFC 3117 "On the Design of Application Protocols":
4.5 Robustness
Counter-intuitively, Postel's robustness principle ("be conservative
in what you send, liberal in what you accept") often leads to
deployment problems. Why? When a new implementation is initially
fielded, it is likely that it will encounter only a subset of
existing implementations. If those implementations follow the
robustness principle, then errors in the new implementation will
likely go undetected. The new implementation then sees some, but
not widespread deployment. This process repeats for several new
implementations. Eventually, the not-quite-correct implementations
run into other implementations that are less liberal than the initial
set of implementations. The reader should be able to figure out what
happens next.
Accordingly, explicit consistency checks in a protocol are very
useful, even if they impose implementation overhead.
An even stronger argument has been made that the Robustness Principle
*encouraged* Microsoft's "embrace/extend/destroy" strategy when it came
to Web protocols, especially HTML & "the browser wars", leaving others
bending over backwards to be "liberal" enough to "accept" the non-standard
(and in many cases flat-out *broken*!) HTML produced by Windows-based
web page generation tools. Had other browsers simply refused to accept
HTML with malformed nesting of tags (say), at least some of the resulting
male bovine excrement could have been avoided.
But despite all that, the Robustness Principle still *is* thought
by many (and probably most) network engineers to be a good idea,
when not stretched beyond reasonable limits. Read the above-referenced
Wikipedia page for a more extensive discussion of the tradeoffs.
Rob Warnock <>
627 26th Avenue <URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607