From: Harper, Michael L.

Subject: RE: :FOREIGN-S error while loading shared object file

Date: 1996-10-29 8:40

Hi, I suspect your problem has to do with the order that things happen
during startup of Allegro 4.3. In going from 4.2 to 4.3, Franz
significantly changed the order of initialization for CLIM and other
items. Take a look at Chap. 2 in the documentation and also look at
Chap. 8 page 8-21. You are probleming attempting to do some
initialization of you application before all of the necessary Lisp .so
files have been loaded. The file is particularly susceptable
to this issue because it is executed in 4.3 before things like CLIM are
even initialized. The item on page 8-21 will explain how you can deal
with this.

Mike Harper

>---------- >From: Victor R. <] at Essers[SMTP:vessers> >Sent: Monday, October 28, 1996 11:27 PM >To: <CS.Berkeley.EDU' at 'Allegro-CL> >Subject: :FOREIGN-S error while loading shared object file > >When trying to create an image of FUF, a natural-language-generation system >that runs under Allegro 4.3, I kept getting the following error: > > Error: Illegal argument to namestring: :FOREIGN-S. > >while loading a shared object file with the command: > > :ld /usr/local/mri/allegro/home/code/ > >(and I got the same error with the files, and > This error only disappeared when I "removed" all references to >the 'namestring' function in my startup file $HOME/ However, the >namestring function was still used in some of the FUF source files, so I am >completely at a loss as to what caused this strange error. > >I even used 'grep' to search far and wide for any reference to the keyword >:FOREIGN-S, but couldn't find it. I think that my image file was created OK >(it certainly runs well enough), but I can't be certain, so if anyone on this >list can shed some light on my problem, I'd be deeply appreciative. > >Thanks very much to all potential respondents, > > >Victor R. Essers >Microsoft Research Institute >Macquarie University, Sydney NSW 2109 Australia >Email: < at vessers> >Web: >