From: tom (Tom McClure)

Subject: Re: [pcspr3863] Allegro and Netscape via DDE

Date: 1996-9-10 16:47


You wrote:
  I tried the code for t.poke and receive-value, but got no
  results. This works perhaps for transaction type XTYP_POKE, but I need
  to do a XTYP_REQUEST and therefore the code for t.request ...

  I know, that you won't support the dde-methods, and maybe it is the
  best, when you send me the whole code of the dde implementation...

Enclosed please find the DDE code in its entirety.


Tom McClure - < at tomj> - Franz Inc., 1995 University Ave, Suite 275
(510) 548-3600, FAX 548-8253 - Berkeley, CA  94704-1072
ACL FAQs: or*faq

**Please** cc < at pc-support> on all mail related to this matter.
Be sure to include tracking number [pcspr3863] in the subject line.

;; copyright (c) 1990-1996 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA
;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc.  They are
;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
;; of such license.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in
;; DOD FAR Supplement 52.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as applicable.

;; >>> loader.lsp
;; loads the rest of the DDE source files

;; copyright (c) 1994 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA
;; All rights reserved.
;; Permission is granted only to any individual or institution which has
;; current Allegro CL license(s) to use, copy, or modify this software,
;; provided any reproduction or distribution of binary versions of this
;; software are compiled with a licensed Allegro CL, and provided
;; that this complete copyright and permission notice is maintained, intact,
;; in all copies and supporting documentation. 
;; Franz Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
;; express or implied warranty.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in FAR
;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252 52.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
;; applicable.

(in-package :user)

(dolist (filename (list
	(print filename)
	(load (namestring (merge-pathnames filename
	      :verbose nil :print nil))

;; <<< loader.lsp

;; >>> defpack.lsp
;; define the package for the DDE facility

;; copyright (c) 1994 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA
;; All rights reserved.
;; Permission is granted only to any individual or institution which has
;; current Allegro CL license(s) to use, copy, or modify this software,
;; provided any reproduction or distribution of binary versions of this
;; software are compiled with a licensed Allegro CL, and provided
;; that this complete copyright and permission notice is maintained, intact,
;; in all copies and supporting documentation. 
;; Franz Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
;; express or implied warranty.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in FAR
;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252 52.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
;; applicable.

(unless (find-package :dde)
   (make-package :dde))
(in-package :dde)

(provide :dde)

(defpackage :dde
   (:use :common-lisp :ct)
    *server-active-p* *service-name*
    *service-topics* *sysitems*
    open-server close-server close-dde
    client-port port-name
    port-application port-topic
    open-port close-port
    send-request answer-request
    send-command execute-command
    send-value receive-value
    post-advice receive-advice

;; <<< defpack.lsp

;; >>> utils.lsp
;; miscellaneous utilities for use by the DDE facility

;; copyright (c) 1994 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA
;; All rights reserved.
;; Permission is granted only to any individual or institution which has
;; current Allegro CL license(s) to use, copy, or modify this software,
;; provided any reproduction or distribution of binary versions of this
;; software are compiled with a licensed Allegro CL, and provided
;; that this complete copyright and permission notice is maintained, intact,
;; in all copies and supporting documentation. 
;; Franz Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
;; express or implied warranty.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in FAR
;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252 52.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
;; applicable.

;; Changelog
;; <1> cheetham 3/16/95
;;     add an option for case-sensitive strings to see if that fixes the
;;     problem in [pcspr2020]
;; <2> cheetham 6/30/95
;;     make dde-warn go through the condition system, though we
;;     lose the "DDE" prefix at the beginning of the message
;; <3> cheetham 3/14/96
;;     default *case-sensitive-dde* to NIL rather than t, to solve the
;;     problem where the OS always passes "SYSTEM" as "System".  If a user
;;     actually needs the case-sensitivity, they can set the variable.
;;     Remember from [pcspr3263] that once a string handle is allocated
;;     for "Foo", then string handles later allocated by the OS for "foo",
;;     "FOO", or "foO" will be the same handle to "Foo"!  So if an app
;;     DOES require case-sensitivity, you have to hope that no one has
;;     allocated a needed string in a different case!  Also, the string
;;     "System" is apparently already allocated in the string handle table
;;     by the OS, and so even if someone sends us "SYSTEM"
;;     or "system" what we get is always "System", and hence our server
;;     topic "SYSTEM" cannot be connected to if our server is running with
;;     *case-sensitive-dde* set to non-NIL!

(in-package :dde)

;; -----------------------------------------
;; variables and constants

;; ID for this lisp process
(defvar *app-id* nil)

;; The service-name that we establish for our server with open-server
(defvar *service-name* :allegro)

;; The allowed topics with which clients can connect to our server
;; A null list indicates that any topic is allowed
;; A NIL within the list indicates that the null string topic is allowed
(defparameter *service-topics* '(nil :system :eval))
(defparameter *sysitems* '(:sysitems :topics :help))

;; Whether we have established this lisp process as a DDE server
(defvar *server-active-p* nil)

(defvar *active-server-ports* nil)
(defvar *active-client-ports* nil)

(defparameter *null-string-handle*
   (ct:callocate win:hsz :initial-value 0))

(defparameter null-character <) at #\Control->

(defparameter *buffer-size* 256)
(defparameter *buffer* (make-string *buffer-size*))

(defvar *dde-keys* nil)

(defparameter *initial-dde-keys*
   '(:allegro :command-result :eval))

(defparameter *string-handle-to-symbol*
   (make-hash-table :size 16))

(defconstant null-char-string (make-string 1
                                 :initial-element (int-char 0)))

(defconstant crlf (format nil "~c~c" #\newline #\linefeed))

;; -------------------------------------------------
;; Automate the creation and management of "string handles" for each
;; application, topic, and item name.  The user can simply pass
;; keyword symbols or strings for these, and one string handle 
;; will be maintained and used for each one.  If a string is used,
;; a keyword is still created for mapping from the lisp symbol to
;; the string handle via the symbol's plist.  Mapping is done in
;; the other direction (from string handle to lisp keyword) via
;; a hash table.

(defparameter *case-sensitive-dde* nil ;; <1><3>
   "Set this to t if you're using DDE with an application that requires case-sensitive strings.  If NIL, the symbols that lisp uses for these strings may print more nicely")

(defmethod get-string-handle ((string string))
   (get-string-handle (intern
                         (if *case-sensitive-dde* ;; <1>
                            (string-upcase string))
                         (symbol-package :start))))

(defmethod get-string-handle ((symbol symbol))
   (or (getf (symbol-plist symbol) :string-handle)
       (make-string-handle symbol)))

(defun make-string-handle (symbol)
   (let ((string-handle
           (if *case-sensitive-dde* ;; <1>
              (symbol-name symbol)
              (string-upcase (symbol-name symbol)))
           win:cp_winansi))) ;; not unicode
      (setf (get symbol :string-handle) string-handle)
      (push symbol *dde-keys*)
      (setf (gethash (handle-value win:hsz string-handle)

(defun string-handle-to-symbol (string-handle)
   (and (not (null-handle-p win:hsz string-handle))
        (or (find-symbol-for-string-handle string-handle)
            (make-symbol-for-string-handle string-handle))))

(defun find-symbol-for-string-handle (string-handle)
   ;; Find the symbol for string handle that we created
   (gethash (handle-value win:hsz string-handle)

(defun make-symbol-for-string-handle (string-handle)
   ;; I guess this is needed only if we want the server to
   ;; report what strings clients are passing to it which the
   ;; server itself hasn't defined (as a server normally does
   ;; ahead of time)
   (let* ((length (win:ddequerystring *app-id* string-handle
                   ct:hnull 0 win:cp_winansi))
          (buffer (make-string length))
      (win:ddequerystring *app-id* string-handle buffer
       (1+ length) win:cp_winansi)
      (setq symbol (intern 
                      (if *case-sensitive-dde* ;; <1>
                         (string-upcase buffer))
                      (symbol-package :start)))
      (setf (gethash (handle-value win:hsz string-handle)

(defun release-string-handles ()
   (let ((handle (ccallocate win:hsz)))
      (maphash #'(lambda (string-handle-value symbol)
                    (setf (handle-value win:hsz handle)
                    (win:ddefreestringhandle *app-id* handle))
      (clrhash *string-handle-to-symbol*)))

;; ------------------------------------
(defun hconv-to-server-port (hconv)
   ;; Find our lisp port object given its port handle
   (if (null-handle-p win:hconv hconv)
      (dolist (c *active-server-ports* hconv)
	 (when (handle= win:hconv hconv (port-handle c))
	    (return c)))))

(defun hconv-to-client-port (hconv)
   (if (null-handle-p win:hconv hconv)
      (dolist (c *active-client-ports* hconv)
	 (when (handle= win:hconv hconv (port-handle c))
	    (return c)))))

;; -----------------------------------
;; classes

(defclass dde-port ()
    ;; A DDE conversation
    ((name :initform nil
        :initarg :name
        :accessor port-name)
     (topic :initform nil
        :initarg :topic
        :accessor port-topic)
     (handle :initform nil
        :initarg :handle
        :accessor port-handle)

(defmethod object-name ((object dde-port))
   (port-name object))

(defclass server-port (dde-port)
    ;; A conversation where this lisp is the DDE server
    ;; Allow the client to maintain a current package between commands
    ((package :initform *package*)
     ;; The value returned by the previous execute
     (result :initform nil)
     ;; Items for which this port currently has
     ;; hot or warm links established
     ;; Apparently this is just for our general information, since
     ;; ddepostadvise will request data only where the links are
     ;; established anyway
     (hot-links :initform nil
      :accessor hot-links)
     (warm-links :initform nil
      :accessor warm-links)

(defclass client-port (dde-port)
    ;; A conversation where this lisp is the DDE client
    ((application :initform nil
        :initarg :application
        :accessor port-application)

(defmethod initialize-instance ((conv client-port)
                                &rest initargs)
   (unless (getf initargs :name)
      (setf (port-name conv)
            (gensym-sequential-name :client)))

(defun port-open-p (port)
   (port-handle port))

(defmethod print-object ((conv client-port) stream)
   (if (port-open-p conv)
      (format stream "#<Port ~a (Topic ~a of ~a)>"
         (port-name conv)
         (port-topic conv)
         (port-application conv)
      (format stream "#<CLOSED port ~a (Topic ~a of ~a)>"
         (port-name conv)
         (port-topic conv)
         (port-application conv)

(defmethod print-object ((conv server-port) stream)
   (if (port-handle conv)
      (format stream "#<port ~a (Topic ~a)>"
         (port-name conv)
         (port-topic conv)
      (format stream "#<CLOSED port ~a>"
         (port-name conv))))

;; -----------------------------------
;; Utility functions

(defun convert-returned-dde-string (string)
   (if (position #\tab string)
      (tabbed-string-to-list string)
      (crlf-string-to-list string)))

(defun tabbed-string-to-list (string)
   (delimited-string-to-list string #\tab))

(defun tabbed-string-to-list (string)
   ;; Separate items that are returned by DDE servers as
   ;; a string with TAB between successive items, such as Word for Windows
   (do* ((s string (subseq s (1+ index)))
         (index (position #\tab s)
            (position #\tab s))
         (list (list (subseq s 0 index))
            (nconc list (list (subseq s 0 index)))))
        ((null index)

(defun list-to-tabbed-string (list)
   (list-to-delimited-string list #\tab))

(defun list-to-tabbed-string (list)
   (let ((format-string "~{~a~^x~}"))
      (setf (elt format-string 6) #\tab) ;; must be a better way
      (format nil format-string list)))

(defun crlf-string-to-list (string)
   (delimited-string-to-list string crlf))

(defun crlf-string-to-list (string)
   ;; Separate items that are returned by DDE servers as
   ;; a string with CRLF between successive items, as Program Manager
   (do* ((s string (subseq s (+ index 2)))
         (index (search crlf s)
            (search crlf s))
         (list (list (subseq s 0 index))
            (nconc list (list (subseq s 0 index)))))
        ((null index)

(defun dde-warning (format-string &rest format-args) ;; <2>
   (apply #'warn format-string format-args))

#+old ;; 6/30/95
(defun dde-warning (format-string &rest format-args)
   (apply #'format *error-output*
      (concatenate 'string "~%;; DDE Warning:  " format-string)

(defun ensure-buffer-size (length)
   (unless (> (length *buffer*) length)
      (setq *buffer* (make-string
                        (setq *buffer-size* (1+ length))))))

(defun string-from-buffer (length)
   (subseq *buffer* 0
      (min length
         (or (position null-character *buffer*)

;; <<< utils.lsp

;; >>> main.lsp
;; Generalized clossified DDE code

;; copyright (c) 1994 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA
;; All rights reserved.
;; Permission is granted only to any individual or institution which has
;; current Allegro CL license(s) to use, copy, or modify this software,
;; provided any reproduction or distribution of binary versions of this
;; software are compiled with a licensed Allegro CL, and provided
;; that this complete copyright and permission notice is maintained, intact,
;; in all copies and supporting documentation. 
;; Franz Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
;; express or implied warranty.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in FAR
;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252 52.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
;; applicable.

;; Changelog
;; <1> cheetham 1/4/95
;;     new code to handle DDEPoke on the client side with send-value
;;     and the server side with receive value.  Also combine the
;;     calls to ddeclienttransaction into one place
;; <2> cheetham 3/14/96
;;     where the callback function had returned t or NIL to messages from
;;     a DDE client, instead return TRUE (1) or FALSE (0).  I think that
;;     t and NIL had actually been converted properly already (even though
;;     the return value is not a boolean and is sometimes integers such
;;     as win:dde_fack), but this makes it clearer exactly what is being
;;     returned.  I had thought that this may be the problem in [pcspr3263],
;;     but that turned out to be a case-sensitivity problem.

(in-package :dde)

;; ------------------------------------------------------
;; Exported client functions

(defun open-port (port)
   (when (port-handle port)
      (dde-warning "~a is already open" port)
      (return-from open-port nil))
   (let* ((application (port-application port))
          (topic (port-topic port))
          (application-handle (if application
                                 (get-string-handle application)
          (topic-handle (if topic
                           (get-string-handle topic)
          (hconv (win:ddeconnect *app-id*
                  application-handle topic-handle ct:hnull))
      (cond ((null-handle-p win:hconv hconv)
             (setq error-code (win:ddegetlasterror *app-id*))
             (case error-code
                 (dde-warning "There is no application ~s running ~
that has a topic named ~s"
                    application topic))
                   (error "DDE client connection failed to topic ~a of ~
application ~a.  Error code = ~a"
                      topic application
                      ;; ??? Interpret these error codes
               (setf (port-handle port) hconv)
               (push port *active-client-ports*)

(defun close-port (client-port)
   (let ((hconv (port-handle client-port)))
      (cond (hconv
               (win:ddedisconnect hconv)
               (setf (port-handle client-port) nil)
               (setq *active-client-ports*
                  (delete client-port
               (dde-warning "Client ~a is already closed"
                  (port-name client-port))

(defun send-command (client-port command-string &key (timeout 1000))
   ;; Does a DDE Execute
   (client-transaction :command client-port nil command-string timeout))

(defun send-request (client-port item &key (link :cold)(timeout 1000))
   ;; Does a DDE Request (or starts or stops asking for Advice)
   ;; LINK can be one of (:cold :warm :hot :stop)
   (let ((global-buffer-handle (client-transaction link client-port
                                  item nil timeout))
      (cond ((and global-buffer-handle
                  (not (null-handle-p hconv global-buffer-handle)))
             (setq length (win:ddegetdata global-buffer-handle ct:hnull 0 0))
             (ensure-buffer-size length)
             (win:ddegetdata global-buffer-handle *buffer* *buffer-size* 0)
             (and (plusp length)
                  (convert-returned-dde-string (string-from-buffer length)))
               (lisp-warning "The DDE server did not respond the the ~
request for item ~s of topic ~s"
                  item (port-topic client-port))

(defun send-value (client-port item value-string ;; <1>
                     &key (timeout 1000))
   ;; Does a DDE Poke
   (let ((result (client-transaction :value client-port item
                    value-string timeout)))
      (and (not (null-handle-p hconv result))
           (handle-value hconv result))))

(defun client-transaction (transaction-type client-port item
                           string timeout)
   (let* ((hconv (port-handle client-port))
          (length 0)
          (item-handle nil)
          (result nil)
      (cond ((and hconv
                  (not (null-handle-p hconv hconv)))
             (when item
                (setq item-handle (get-string-handle item)))
             (when string
                (setq length (length string))
                (ensure-buffer-size length)
                (setf (subseq *buffer* 0 length) string)
                (setf (elt *buffer* length) null-character))
             (setq result
                 (if string *buffer* ct:hnull) ;; lpbData (the data)
                 (if string (1+ length) 0) ;; cbData (length of data)
                 hconv ;; conversation handle
                 (if item item-handle *null-string-handle*) ;; hszItem
                 ;; uFmt (data format)
                 (if (eq transaction-type :command) 0 win:cf_text)
                 ;; uType (type of transaction)
                 (case transaction-type
                    (:command win:xtyp_execute)
                    (:value win:xtyp_poke) ;; <1>
                    (:cold win:xtyp_request) ;; Four "request" types
                    (:hot win:xtyp_advstart)
                    (:warm (logior win:xtyp_advstart win:xtypf_nodata))
                    (:stop win:xtyp_advstop)
                 timeout      ;; timeout in milliseconds
                 ct:hnull         ;; ignore the return code
               (dde-warning "Client port ~s is not open"

(defmethod receive-advice ((port dde-port) topic item
   ;; Client receives advice from an earlier send-request with
   ;; a link type of :warm or :hot.
   ;; Define this method to receive intermittent updates.

;; ------------------------------------------------------
;; Exported server functions

(defun open-server (&key (name *service-name*)
                      (topics *service-topics*))
   ;; Establish this lisp process as a DDE server.  A client can connect
   ;; to us using the service name and topics established here
   (cond (*server-active-p*
          (dde-warning "DDE Server is already active")
            (win:ddenameservice *app-id* (get-string-handle name)
             *null-string-handle* win:dns_register)
            (setq *service-name* name)
            (setq *service-topics* topics)
            (setq *server-active-p* t)

(defun close-server ()
   (cond ((and *app-id* *server-active-p*)
          (win:ddenameservice *app-id*
           (get-string-handle *service-name*)
           *null-string-handle* win:dns_unregister)
          (setq *active-server-ports* nil)
          (setq *server-active-p* nil)
            (dde-warning "DDE server already closed")

;; Modify this default method to do your own interpretation of a client 
;; command, which is a string passed by a client issuing a DDE EXECUTE 
(defmethod execute-command (topic command-string)
   (format nil "No execute-command method supplied for topic ~s" topic))

;; For the special topic :eval, evaluate the command string as a
;; lisp form.  Note that this won't work in a runtime lisp since it
;; calls eval, which invokes the compiler
(defmethod execute-command ((topic (eql :eval)) command-string)
   (let ((*read-tolerant* t)
      (eval (read-from-string command-string))))

;; Modify this default method to return a string according to the 
;; keyword arguments for the topic and item passed by a
;; client's DDE REQUEST message
(defmethod answer-request (topic item command-result)

;; For the special topic :eval, return the value of the symbol named
;; by the item argument, except in the current package
(defmethod answer-request ((topic (eql :eval)) item
   (format nil "~s" (symbol-value (intern (symbol-name item) *package*))))

;; For the special item :command-result, return the value that was returned
;; by the most recent execute-command method invoked for this client
(defmethod answer-request ((topic (eql :eval))(item (eql :command-result))
   (format nil "~s" command-result))

;; Some standard DDE topics and items to respond to
(defmethod answer-request ((topic (eql :system))(item (eql :sysitems))
   (list-to-tabbed-string *sysitems*))
(defmethod answer-request ((topic (eql :system))(item (eql :topics))
   (list-to-tabbed-string *service-topics*))
(defmethod answer-request ((topic (eql :system))(item (eql :help))
   "Send a DDE request for the HELP item of other topics for info on those topics")
(defmethod answer-request ((topic (eql :eval))(item (eql :help))
   #.(format nil "Send a DDE Execute using this EVAL topic ~
to evaluate an arbitrary lisp form.  To get the value returned by that ~
form, send a DDE Request using this EVAL topic with the item ~
COMMAND-RESULT.  To retrieve the value of any lisp symbol, send it as ~
the item in a DDE Request using this EVAL topic."))

;; Call this function whenever an item for which this lisp server handles
;; hot or warm links has changed.  This will result in answer-request
;; being invoked for any items for which hot or warm links are currently
;; established
(defun post-advice (topic item)
   (win:DDEPostAdvise *app-id*
    (get-string-handle topic)
    (get-string-handle item)))

;; Modify this default method to do your own interpretation of a 
;; value that is sent (poked) by a client.  This default method
;; interprets the item as the name of a symbol in the current package,
;; and sets that symbol to a value read from the value-string
(defmethod receive-value (topic item value-string) ;; <1>
   (let* ((*read-tolerant* t))
      (set (intern (symbol-name item) *package*)
         (eval (read-from-string value-string)))))

;; ------------------------------------
;; DDE initialization and clean-up

(defun ensure-dde-open ()
   (unless *app-id* ;; dde already initialized
      ;; Initialize the DDE library
      (let* ((scratch-long (ccallocate (:long 1)))
                   (setf (cref (:long 1) scratch-long 0) 0)
                    (ct:get-callback-procinst 'dde-callback)
                    (logior win:appclass_standard
                       #+old win:cbf_fail_pokes ;; <1>
                       ;; ??? I guess we should only allow self-connections
                       ;; for testing
                       #+later win:cbf_fail_selfconnections
         ;; DDE initialization errors
         (case init-return
             (setq *app-id* (ct:cref (:long 1) scratch-long 0))
             (error "DML: Invalid Parameter"))
             (error "DML: Dll Usage"))
             (error "DML: Sys Error"))
               (error "DML return code ~a" init-return))))
      ;; Be sure to clean up resources at lisp exit
      (pushnew 'close-dde acl::*system-exit-fns*)
      ;; initialize the standard string-handles up front for efficiency
      (dolist (key *initial-dde-keys*)
         (make-string-handle key))
      (setq *active-server-ports* nil)
      (setq *active-client-ports* nil)

(defun close-dde (&rest ignore)
   (declare (ignore ignore)) ;; Passed as a lisp exit function
   (cond (*app-id*
            (when *server-active-p*
            (dolist (conv *active-client-ports*)
               (close-port conv))
            (win:ddeuninitialize *app-id*)
            (setq *app-id* nil)
            (dde-warning "DDE already closed")

;; ----------------------------------------
;; The DDE callback and handlers

(ct:defun-callback dde-callback
 ((utype win:uint)
  (ufmt win:uint)
  (hconv win:hconv)
  (hsz1 win:hsz)
  (hsz2 win:hsz)
  (hdata win:hddedata)
  (dwdata1 :long)
  (dwdata2 :long))
 (case utype
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz2)
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1) dwdata1))
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz2)
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1) hconv))
        (hconv-to-server-port hconv)))
        (hconv-to-server-port hconv)
    ;; Server receives a command to execute
        (hconv-to-server-port hconv)      ;; port
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1)    ;; topic
        hdata))                           ;; command string
    ;; Server receives a poked value
    ( ;; <1>
        (hconv-to-server-port hconv)      ;; port
        ufmt                              ;; data format
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1)    ;; topic
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz2)    ;; item
        hdata))                           ;; value string

    ;; Server receives a request to answer (a cold link),
    ;; or the server's call to post-advice causes an advreq here
        (hconv-to-server-port hconv)      ;; port
        ufmt                              ;; data format
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1)    ;; topic
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz2)))  ;; item

    ;; Server receives a request to start advice (a hot link)
        (hconv-to-server-port hconv)     ;; port
        ufmt                              ;; data format
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1)    ;; topic
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz2)  ;; item

    ;; Server receives a request to start advice (a warm link)
    (#.(logior win:xtyp_advstart win:xtypf_nodata)
        (hconv-to-server-port hconv)     ;; port
        ufmt                              ;; data format
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1)    ;; topic
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz2)  ;; item

    ;; Server receives a request to stop a hot or warm link
    (#. win:xtyp_advstop
        (hconv-to-server-port hconv)     ;; port
        ufmt                              ;; data format
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1)    ;; topic
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz2)))  ;; item

    ;; Client receives advice for a warm or hot link
        (hconv-to-client-port hconv) ;; port
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1) ;; topic
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz2) ;; item
        hdata)) ;; arbitray data

        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz2)
        (string-handle-to-symbol hsz1) dwdata1))
          hconv utype ufmt hsz1 hsz2 hdata dwdata1 dwdata1))))

(defmethod t.wildconnect (application topic context)
   (cond ((and (eq application *service-name*)
               (or (null *service-topics*)
                   (member topic *service-topics* :test #'eq)))
             "Accepting wild connection to application ~s and topic ~s"
             application topic)
             "Refusing wild connection to application ~s and topic ~s"
             application topic)

(defmethod t.connect (application topic context)
   ;; Allow a connection to our lisp's service-name if one of
   ;; our valid topics is passed
   (cond ((and (eq application *service-name*)
               (or (null *service-topics*)
                   (member topic *service-topics* :test #'eq)))
            "Accepting connection to application ~s and topic ~s"
            application topic)
          true) ;; <2>
            ;; Refuse connections that request other topics
             "Refusing connection to application ~s and topic ~s"
             application topic)
            false))) ;; <2>

(defmethod t.connect-confirm (application topic hconv)
   (let ((port (make-instance 'server-port
                          :name (gensym-sequential-name :server)
                          :topic topic
                          :handle hconv))
      (push port *active-server-ports*)
      (lisp-message "DDE:  Port ~s connection confirmed" port)))

(defmethod t.disconnect (port)
   ;; default method for unknown clients
   (dde-warning "DDE:  Unexpected disconnect transaction for port ~s"

(defmethod t.disconnect ((port dde-port))
   (lisp-message "~s disconnected" port)
   (setq *active-server-ports*
      (delete port *active-server-ports*)))

(defun data-buffer-to-handle (string id)
   (let* ((length (length string))
          (hdata (win:ddecreatedatahandle
                  *app-id* ct:hnull (1+ length)
                  0 id win:cf_text 0)))
      (win:ddeadddata hdata string length 0)
      (win:ddeadddata hdata null-char-string 1 length)

(defmethod t.error (port code)
   (dde-warning "DDE:  Error transaction code ~s for port ~s"
      code port))

(defmethod t.execute (port topic hdata)
   ;; default method is to refuse the execute
   (dde-warning "DDE:  Execute refused for unknown port")

(defmethod t.execute ((port dde-port) topic hdata)
   ;; but if we have a port going, we do it
   (let ((length (win:ddegetdata hdata ct:hnull 0 0)) ; length of data
         lisp-string result)
      (ensure-buffer-size length)
      (win:ddegetdata hdata *buffer* length 0)
      (let ((*package* (slot-value port 'package)))
         (setq lisp-string
            (string-from-buffer length))
         (setq result (execute-command topic lisp-string))
         (setf (slot-value port 'result) result)
         (setf (slot-value port 'package) *package*)
      (lisp-message "DDE:  Command ~s returns ~s"
         lisp-string result)

(defmethod t.advdata (port topic item hdata)
   (dde-warning "DDE:  Advice received for unknown port ~s"

(defmethod t.advdata ((port dde-port) topic item hdata)
   ;; Client receives advice from the server, resulting from an
   ;; earlier send-request for a hot or warm link
   (let ((length (win:ddegetdata hdata ct:hnull 0 0)) ; length of data
         lisp-string advice)
      (ensure-buffer-size length)
      (win:ddegetdata hdata *buffer* length 0)
      (cond ((plusp length)
             ;; Hot link
             (receive-advice port topic item
                (setq advice (convert-returned-dde-string
                              (string-from-buffer length))))
             (lisp-message "DDE:  Hot advice received for ~
application ~a topic ~a item ~a --> ~s"
                (port-application port)
                topic item advice)
               (receive-advice port topic item nil)
               (lisp-message "DDE:  Warm advice received for ~
application ~a topic ~a item ~a"
                  (port-application port)
                  topic item))))
(defmethod t.advstart ((port dde-port) ufmt topic item type)
   ;; Server receives a request to begin sending advice (a hot or warm link)
   (if (eq type :hot)
      (push item (hot-links port))
      (push item (warm-links port)))
   true) ;; <2>

(defmethod t.advstop ((port dde-port) ufmt topic item)
   ;; Server receives a request to stop sending advice (a hot or warm link)
   (delete item (hot-links port))
   (delete item (warm-links port))
   true) ;; <2>

(defmethod t.request ((port dde-port) ufmt topic item)
   ;; Server receives a standalone request (cold link)
   (let* ((*package* (slot-value port 'package))
          (buffer (answer-request topic item
                     ;; For the special :command-result item, always return the value that 
                     ;; was returned by the last execute command
                     (slot-value port 'result)))
      (cond ((stringp buffer)
             (setq hdata (data-buffer-to-handle buffer
                            (get-string-handle item)))
             (lisp-message "DDE:  Request ~s returns ~s"
                item buffer)
             (handle-value win:hddedata hdata))
               (dde-warning "DDE:  Non-string returned by ~
answer-request method; returning NULL handle to the client")

(defmethod t.poke ((port dde-port) ufmt topic item hdata) ;; <1>
   ;; Server receives a poked value
   (let ((length (win:ddegetdata hdata ct:hnull 0 0)) ; length of data
         (*package* (slot-value port 'package))
         lisp-string result)
      (ensure-buffer-size length)
      (win:ddegetdata hdata *buffer* length 0)
      (setq lisp-string
         (string-from-buffer length))
      (setq result (receive-value topic item lisp-string))
      (cond (result
               (lisp-message "DDE:  Accepted value for topic ~s   ~
item ~s   new value ~s"
                  topic item lisp-string)
               (lisp-warning "DDE:  Rejected value for topic ~s   ~
item ~s   new value ~s"
                  topic item lisp-string)

(defmethod t.unknown (port utype ufmt hsz1 hsz2 hdata dwdata1 dwdata)
   (dde-warning "DDE:  Unexpected transaction ~s for ~s~%"
	   utype port))

#.(export 'dde::free-item :dde)

(defun free-item (item-string-or-symbol)
   (let* ((symbol (if (stringp item-string-or-symbol)
                       (if *case-sensitive-dde*
                          (string-upcase item-string-or-symbol))
                       (symbol-package :start))
      (unless symbol
         (error "Tried to free an unused DDE item string"))
      (setq handle (get symbol :string-handle))
      (when handle
         (win:ddefreestringhandle *app-id* handle)
         (remprop symbol :string-handle))
      (unintern symbol (symbol-package symbol))))

;; <<< main.lsp