--- On Wed, 18 Jun 1997 15:28:55 +0100 Francis Leboutte <skynet.be at f.leboutte> wrote:
>I have used Allegrostore on Windows NT (PC) for more than one year. I have
>been satisfied with the AllegroStore 1.1.x versions: very easy to use (it
>If you decide to work with Allegrostore I would be happy to exchange
>experience about this product use. By the way, if your are new to ACL4W,
>you could be interested in some extensions for ACL4W I have written (see my
>home page).
>Francis Leboutte, Algorithme, Rue de la Charrette 141, 4130 Tilff, Belgium
<skynet.be at >f.leboutte> <acm.org at leboutte>
http://users.skynet.be/algo t&fax: +32-(0)4-388.35.28
-----------------End of Original Message-----------------
Helloe Francis, thank you for your comments. What is it about version 2
that causes the problem? does it simply crash? lots of bugs?
Thank you for your offer to share some code! I went to your WWW page
and unfortunatly I get an "Anonymous Access Denied" message....
Name: Martin Mallinson
E-mail: <cmt.com at martin.mallinson> (Martin Mallinson)
Date: 6/18/97
Time: 9:07:00 AM