At 09:07 18/06/97, Martin Mallinson wrote:
>Helloe Francis, thank you for your comments. What is it about version 2
>that causes the problem? does it simply crash? lots of bugs?
Current version is 1.2 . Too many crashes (application exception -> access
violation), undefined bugs ("hard error") and other various bugs (e.g. in
the inverse functions).
>Thank you for your offer to share some code! I went to your WWW page
>and unfortunatly I get an "Anonymous Access Denied" message....
Sorry. It should work now.
Francis Leboutte, Algorithme, Rue de la Charrette 141, 4130 Tilff, Belgium
< at f.leboutte> < at leboutte> t&fax: +32-(0)4-388.35.28