From: David_Lamkin

Subject: RE: reading in large files

Date: 1997-6-19 12:59

Hmm... That's a horse of an entirely different color :)

ACLNT uses 16-bit fixnums.  Many parts of the system are implemented using
fixnums, including the built-in editor and array/vector/string indices.  This
has been a problem for a long, long time.

Bill's suggestion (posted separately) to use Editi and WinEmacs is a good one if
you need to do text editing.  But if you want to provide a familiar Windows look
and feel for your end user, this doesn't work.  

The current ACLNT release comes with some sample code for interacting with OLE
-- maybe someone could get this to work with a third-party text widget...

-----Original Message-----
From:   Julie Goldberg < at jbg7> 
Sent:   Thursday, June 19, 1997 9:37 AM
To:     Bill Dubuque < at wgd>
Cc:     <NGC.COM; at lamkinsd> <cs.berkeley.EDU; at Allegro-Cl> < at wklee>
Subject:        Re: reading in large files

I don't think that's the problem, because I can read parts of the file one
line at a time.  The problem stems from my being unable to display more
than 32K at a time in a window.  I'm trying to write a work-around that
splits up my files and displays them in sections, but it causes problems
when I try to return to a specific place in my file.  If anyone has any
suggestions, I'm still open to ideas regarding this problem.



On Wed, 18 Jun 1997, Bill Dubuque wrote:

> "David Lamkins" <NGC.COM at lamkinsd> wrote: > | > | It has been a while since I've tripped on this, but I think that ACLNT > | chokes on a readline if the file does not contain carriage return > | characters. This can happen if you try to read a text file created > | with the Unix (line feed) newline convention. The fix is to run your > | file through a simple utility that ensures DOS (carriage return, line > | feed) newlines. > > I memory serves correct, the problem is that if the file doesn't > use the DOS end-of-line convention, then no newlines will be > recognized by the ACL reader, so READ-LINE will read the entire > file as a single line, thus overflowing the 32K string limit! > > In Editi 3.0 I extended the ACL reader to allow Unix-style > line endings. You should be able to enable this patch globally via > > (setq acl::*read-unix-mode* t) > > once you have "eval-acl" loaded into ACL. > > -Bill Dubuque >
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