From: Ray Drew

Subject: ACL Windows DDE Problem

Date: 1998-1-13 8:44

Is anyone successfully using DDE warm links with ACL Windows 3.02? I can
get a cold request to work but as soon as I issue a warm link ACL
crashes. I've tried this with IRMA 3270 emulation software and Excel.
Below is an example Excel session:-
> (in-package 'dde)
#<package DDE #xBCBAC4>
> (setq *xl* (make-instance 'client-port
:application "Excel" :topic "[Book1]Sheet1")) #<CLOSED port CLIENT-1 (Topic [Book1]Sheet1 of Excel)>
> (open-port *xl*)
#<Port CLIENT-1 (Topic [Book1]Sheet1 of Excel)>
> (send-request *xl* "R1C1")
("123" "")
> (send-request *xl* "R1C1" :link :warm)
1> SEND-REQUEST called with args: #<PORT CLIENT-1 (TOPIC [Book1]Sheet1 of Excel)> "R1C1" :LINK :WARM 2> CLIENT-TRANSACTION called with args: :WARM #<PORT CLIENT-1 (TOPIC [Book1]Sheet1 of Excel)> "R1C1" NIL 1000 2< CLIENT-TRANSACTION return value: #<lhandle 15 = #x1> *****CRASHES HERE****** (Or at least no more output visible) LISP caused a general protection fault in module USER.EXE at 0017:00001144. Registers: EAX000001 CSdf EIP001144 EFLGS000202 EBX680001 SST07 ESP0087fc EBP008806 ECXb52968 DS97 ESI00ffff FSVef EDX025407 ES00 EDI0003ff GS00 Bytes at CS:EIP: 26 8b 47 02 26 8b 57 04 89 56 fa f6 c4 01 75 28 Stack dump: 008c56ef 0001a8d8 881a0000 000112cd 03ff0000 03ff56ef bff72906 887012ba 042f0028 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 009ceab4 0068f850 009ceaaa When I run this with IRMA I get the same return value from CLIENT-TRANSACTION. I'm running on Windows 95 4.00.950 I'd be grateful for any ideas anyone may have. Ray Drew < at rdrew>