Subject: Re: LISP and AI From: Erik Naggum <> Date: 2000/05/07 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Message-ID: <> * Erann Gat | Seems to me that bibliographic references have precisely the semantics | of hyperlinks. Yes, this is actually true. | They are pointers contained in one document that point to a second | document. There is no third document involved. This is obviously false, however. | OK, third-part link then. I still don't see what you would *do* | with such a link that you can't do using HTML as it stands. That's frankly not my problem, and you're not listening enough that I care to spend all the time it would take to explain it to you. | What happens? How does this link get rendered? What happens when | you click on it? Sigh. How do the "links" you already have in HTML get rendered? What happens when you "click" on them? What, exactly, do you expect to be _different_? I don't have the patience for this. Sorry. #:Erik