Subject: Re: LISP and AI
From: Erik Naggum <>
Date: 2000/05/09
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>

* Erann Gat
| There's no need to announce your personal desires to the world.

  Gee, that's really good advice.  I wonder if it works on you.

| Librarians and programmers are not mututally exclusive groups.

  Nobody has said they were.  Tell me, _are_ you a strawman, or do you
  just play one on the Net?

| So, Erik Naggum, if you wish not to answer my question, just be
| quiet and let someone else do it.

  There's no need to announce your personal desires to the world.

  So, Erann Gat, why are you so desperately picking a fight?
  Out of free will today?
